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Visionary Brands

Lead with story

Strategic storytelling
We help you develop an authentic voice and a brand story worth listening to. Because if your brand is being poorly communicated, you don't have control of your reputation.
Complexity is the enemy of impact. Organisations often over-explain and over-complicate their story. We help you create clarity for your audience.
If you're not consistent, you're confusing. We help you simplify your brand message so you can build a solid reputation across multiple channels.
Nothing's more attractive than confidence. Any good product needs a good cause. If your team knows what they stand for, your brand will stand out.
Points of focus
No fluff, just the good stuff. You’ll have tangible communication and brand strategies to implement before you even walk out the door.
Hero customer
Clear identification and understanding of who you and your team serve. If you think you’re for everyone, then you’re for no-one.
Market positioning
Your market positioning statement is your internal compass that keeps the whole organisation aligned and unified.
Why, how, what
You know Simon Sinek’s golden circle? We give you a tangible, practical way to harness it throughout your organisation.
Purpose statement
This is the passion piece. Your true north that keeps you emotionally connected and focussed on your team goal.
What do you do?
Wouldn’t it be nice if your whole team knew how to simply answer this question in a way that creates opportunity?
Team alignment
We help you build a culture of respect for each other, for your audience, and for your brand promise.
We partner with people on a mission
An image of Lana Epshteyn
“Our team is now enabled to create consistent content with a clear, concise brand style guide that helps us communicate effectively with many stakeholders and solidify our identity.”
Lana Epshteyn
Communications Manager, AMAGA Victoria
An image of Natalie Drucker
“Their style helps people focus on the goal, without adding unnecessary stress. They are dedicated to their clients and always find ways to refresh ideas and exceed expectations.”
Natalie Drucker
Global Head of Marketing, Thoughtworks
An image of Grant Downie
“I knew I needed to sharpen up my focus and language. I got a whole new brand, vocabulary and digital presence. Can’t recommend them highly enough.”
Grant Downie
Principal, Innovaction
Brands that put their trust in us
RMIT LogoThoughtworks logoVic Roads logoANSR logo
HitIQ LogoPearson logoHEX LogoBendigo Bank logo
Team benefits
Your own people must be your first and greatest advocates. Getting buy-in from your team gives you a unified voice and a clear path forwards. We align your team and enhance their relationships to each other and your brand.
Get your team on the same page and create buy-in across the entire organisation.
Develop clear messaging and simple language that can be shared across departments.
Build unified communication  strategies that are consistent across all marketing channels.
Empower team members to define their unique identity and purpose within the brand.
Case Studies
We work with global brands and growing startups. The one thing they have in common is the desire to build a reputation to be proud of. Download a selection of case studies to see our approach to building brands and expressing stories that create engagement.
Your facilitators
A team of creative brand and communication specialists that lean into their emotional intelligence, pragmatism and saviour complex to drive your mission forwards.
Nick Parker
Nick Parker
CEO & Creative Consultant
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Nick brings visionary ideas to life and nudges leaders out of their comfort zone. He believes a powerful brand must polarise to be loved by those who matter. With a wealth of knowledge in building impactful brands through compelling stories, Nick transforms your passion into poetry.
Francis Nicholls-Wunder
Managing Director & Strategic Consultant
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Francis is one of those annoyingly useful problem solvers. He translates your insecure and nonsensical over-explanation into simple language your whole team can get around. Francis consults with the marketing leads of major brands and advises communication courses at world class universities.
Kim Gardner
Kim Gardner
Production Manager & Design Consultant
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Kim's the attentive listener you wish your friends were. She is direct with her communication and is happy to call out a problem point blank. With decades of experience in design and publishing, Kim can guide you to build a brand language and messaging framework that looks as good as it sounds.
Contact us
We offer a complimentary 40min strategic storytelling session to eligible organisations ready to transform their brand and strengthen their reputation.
Speak with a consultant
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